
Are you interested in joining a recovery, help or faith group? Give us a call so we can help connect you to the right resources.

M-F / 8 AM - 5PM

Provoking Hope support groups are regular gatherings of men and women with the lived experience of substance abuse, mental illness, or faith-related struggles. Our groups usually run once each week or month and are overseen by a trained peer support specialist or facilitator. Group attendees talk with one another about their experiences, struggles, and challenges.

Recovery Groups

Recovery-based meetings like Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholic Anonymous, and Dual Diagnosis meetings are devoted to open sharing sessions, in which those that attend the meetings discuss any personal issues, worries, or concerns. Sharing at recovery meetings is a great way to relieve stress, expel pent-up frustrations, and channel out the negativity that may be plaguing the recovering addict.

Please Note:  Our organization does not directly run Recovery Groups.  We do however allow some of these groups to use our facility to run their groups.  We can also help you get connected with the groups that use our facilities as well as groups that are run in the wider community.

Narcotics Anonymous: Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a nonprofit, self-supporting fellowship of men and women who share the common goal of achieving lifelong abstinence from substance abuse. NA meetings are filled with like-minded men and women for whom drugs have taken over their lives.

Alcoholics Anonymous: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a worldwide organization designed to help former alcoholics support one another throughout their recovery journey while maintaining their sobriety.

Dual Diagnosis Anonymous: Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA) is a fellowship of persons who share their experiences, strengths, weaknesses, feelings, fears, and hopes with one another to resolve their dual diagnosis, and/or learn to live at peace with unresolved problems. The only requirement for membership in DDA is a desire to develop healthy addiction-free lifestyles.

Help Groups

Provoking Hope Help Groups are evidence-based and intended to wrap around other evidence-based treatments. The National Alliance on Mental Illness defines the evidence-based practice as one that has been researched scientifically or academically and has been proven effective and has been replicated by at least two or more studies.

Self-Forgiveness: Self-forgiveness improves our well-being and those who practice self-forgiveness have better mental and emotional well-being, healthier relationships, and more positive attitudes. Using the book “The Self-forgiveness Handbook” by Thom Rutledge this group is based on evidence in the book, and guided exercises, refined over the years in Thom’s therapy practice and motivational workshops. Join us for this epic journey from self-criticism to self-compassion and inner strength.

Stage II Recovery: Sustained abstinence from addiction is only the first stage of recovery; real recovery begins with Stage II–the rebuilding of the life that was saved in Stage I. Using the book “Stage II Recovery” by Earnie Larsen this group will inspire you with practical guidance and breakthrough information on how to identify and change your learned, self-defeating, behaviors.

Stage II Relationships: Using the book “Stage II Relationships” by Earnie Larsen this group offers clear and practical techniques for couples and families who have faced the issue of addiction and are now striving to bring health and vitality to their relationships.

Grief & Loss: There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but there are healthy ways to deal with the grieving process. Relying on stories from the book “Tear Soup” by Pat Schwiebert this group focuses on the recipe for healing after loss.

C0-Dependents Anonymous: The Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) group is a twelve-step program for people who share a common desire to develop a functional and healthy relationship with themselves and others. The curriculum and focus for this group are taken from the book “Codependent No More” by Melody Beattie.

Faith Groups

Provoking Hope Faith Groups are intended to support peers who acknowledge and draw inspiration and direction from Christian Faith. Groups focus on bible-based teachings and are intended as meditative studies in faith and spiritual empowerment.

A Beautiful Mess: Based on the book “A Beautiful Mess” by Danielle Strickland this group encourages us to set aside our limited expectations and to fall in line with God’s. This group presents a unique, spiritual, and motivational approach to not only dealing with “chaos” in one’s life but expecting and welcoming it as it brings about positive change.

Dangerous Surrender: You have a plan for the rest of your life. God has a plan for the rest of your life. Are they the same? Do you have expectations for how your life will play out and do you hope those plans will become realities? What if God’s plan for your life is far different from what you had in mind? Can you accept that? Will you surrender your goals for God’s? Using the book “Dangerous Surrender” by Kay Warren this group will discuss how to fully trust God and how to embrace God’s calling on your life.

The Twelve Steps – A Spiritual Journey: In this group, based on the book “The Twelve Steps – A Spiritual Journey” by Friends of Recovery, we discuss how to move our recovery down the road to further discipleship and fellowship. This group experience promotes unity and molds people together into the family of God.

Hinds’ Fee On High Places: In this group, we Follow Much-Afraid on her spiritual journey through difficult places with her two companions, Sorrow, and Suffering. Learn how Much-Afraid overcomes her tormenting fears as she passes through many dangers and mounts at last to the High Places. There she gains a new name and then returns to her valley of service, transformed by her union with the loving Shepherd.

Fresh Start With GOD: The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that God promises a fresh start to anyone. Through Jesus Christ, we can have forgiveness, freedom, and a future filled with hope and purpose. He loves you more than you know and has an incredible plan for your life. This group, based on the book “Fresh Start With God” by John Sielbeling, will help you discover foundational truths from God’s Word and will give you practical steps to help you grow and become all that God created you to be.

The Life Recovery Bible Study: The Life Recovery bible study group leads the recovering addict into reflection and practical application by placing the 12 steps of recovery into a firm biblical context. Far more than just teaching about the 12 steps, the group will guide attendees in an in-depth working of the steps, making the principles of recovery come alive for “one day at a time” living.